Elevate Your Aviation Career with PAS

Join the Palu Aviation School and soar to new heights with our faith-based, internationally recognized programs.

Pilot Training

Engineering Excellence

Global Recognition

small aircraft with PAS aircraft engineers on the runway.

About Us

Palu Aviation School Overview

Founded in 2020 and officially certified in 2022, Palu Aviation School (PAS) offers a unique, faith-based learning environment for aspiring pilots and aircraft maintenance engineers. Our mission is to prioritize safety and Christian ethics within the aviation industry.

Picture of Palu school of aviation students and instructor


At PAS, students can pursue their dreams of becoming licensed pilots or aircraft maintenance engineers. Our programs are internationally recognized under the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority, ensuring that our graduates are equipped with the skills and certifications needed for a successful career in aviation.

Pas engineering team smiling for photo while having lunch.

Our Programs

Pilot License

Train for both Private Pilot License (PPL) and Commercial Pilot License (CPL) with internationally recognized certifications.

Aircraft Maintenance Engineering License

Gain the skills and knowledge to become a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer with practical experience included.
Palu aviation aircraft engineer standing in front of an aircraft on the runway at nighttime.

Admission Requirements

How to Join Our Programs

To enroll in our pilot program, applicants must be at least 17 years old and demonstrate proficiency in English. A Class 1 medical certificate is required for the Commercial Pilot License (CPL), while a Class 2 medical certificate is sufficient for the Private Pilot License (PPL). For our engineering program, applicants must be at least 18 years old and have completed Form 6 Level or its equivalent. Both programs require a commitment to safety and a passion for aviation.

PAS Engineer inspecting aircraft equipment

Our Facilities

At Palu Aviation School, we pride ourselves on providing facilities to support our students’ learning experiences. Our campus includes classrooms equipped with the educational technology, a well-maintained hangar for practical training, and a fleet of school-owned aircraft for hands-on flight practice. Our experienced instructors, boasting over a decade of industry experience, are dedicated to guiding students through every step of their training journey.

Resources Available

In addition to our excellent facilities, we offer a range of resources to aid student learning. These include comprehensive self-study materials, textbooks, and access to online learning platforms. Our goal is to ensure that every student has the tools they need to succeed, whether they are training to become pilots or aircraft maintenance engineers.

PAS Engineers looking at small aircraft at hangar

Global Opportunities

A Commitment to All Students

Palu Aviation School (PAS) is dedicated to serving both local and international students, fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment. Our mission is to expand the aviation industry within Tonga and beyond, providing our graduates with the skills and certifications necessary to pursue successful careers globally. By studying at PAS, students gain access to a network of professionals and opportunities that extend far beyond Tongan borders, ensuring a bright future in the aviation field.

Our programs are designed to meet international standards, with partnerships and recognition from esteemed institutions such as the New Zealand Aviation Academy Limited. This ensures that our students receive a world-class education that is respected and valued worldwide. Whether you are from Tonga or another part of the world, PAS welcomes you to join our community and take the first step towards an exciting career in aviation.

We understand the unique challenges faced by international students and are committed to providing the support and resources needed to help you succeed. From practical training in our state-of-the-art facilities to guidance from experienced instructors, PAS is here to help you soar to new heights. Join us and become part of a global network of aviation professionals who are making a difference in the industry.

Get in Touch

If you are interested in learning more about the programs offered at Palu Aviation School (PAS) or wish to apply, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our team is here to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your future in aviation. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of a dynamic and growing field. Contact us today and take the first step towards your aviation career.